Monday, March 29, 2010

The Weekly Wildcat

So, uhhhhhh... I'm doing a news every week so, check back every week. So, any way, fishing will be good around Easter due to nice weather. :) And also, the second Ultumate Monsters book will come with a pack of Legendary Heros. It may be earlier than expected in the middle of April.
That is all.
Bugmnia :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

England Series News

How funny! I'm talking about a series coming in August. Haw haw... RONG! In the series, you can find ULTRA rare cards and cards in color! The cards will be labled Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, Ultra Rare and One of a kind. The Jujuy in color is a Ultra Rare. Why not a One of a kind? Because, One of a kinds are hidden in plain packs. The plainier the pack, the more chance you have of getting a One of a kind.
That is all.
Bug mania :)

Ultumate Monsters Ultumate Info #2

Everyone, listen up! I have another way to find a secret in book 1! There was a card on top of the box Ethan and Kevin opened to go to Namkrow. If your smart, the card is a Unlimited Power card. It's the only Golden card in the series. The first person to get the card, get's a Golden Jujuy card in color, not avalible anywhere else! The only place to get the card is in the England Series part 2, coming in August. Each part has 80 cards.
Good Luck


Now on habitatofthings, you can listen to your favorite songs! You can even tell me whitch songs YOU want on the play list and, I'll see what I can do. So, that's about it.
Bug mania

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ultumate Monsters collectors Info

So, if anyone of you want a Hidden Secret's pack but don't want the gigantic club pack, we're doing it! Coming in May, Hidden Secret packs will come out at The Awsome Kid Trading Card Shop. It may take a long time before they come out, but trust me, it's worth waiting fore! :)
Bugmania :)

Friday, March 26, 2010


It's offical! Bug hunting season is starting in a week! Yes! If your a bug collector, like a am, you can look up all my tips and files on various types of bugs! I hope to see any of you bug hunting! My favorite place to find Crickets, Grasshoppers and Katydids is at Workman Elementary. There's a ton of bugs there. That's really all. BYE AND GOOD LUCK!

Bug mania :)

Ultumate Monster Ultumate Info

Sorry I didn't put this in my last post but, this deserves it's own post. So, there is three collections of Ultumate Monsters. The first really doesn't have a name but, the second is called Robot Reaction and the third is called Unlimited Power. I would say each collection has pretty good cards, but if you're looking for Jujuy, you can find him in the first series and Unlimited Power cards are in Unlimited Power. (go figure.) That's not what I wanted to talk about. The real deal is that the second Ultumate Monsters book comes out around May! So, if you read the first book is coming around the corner! The book is about how much friendship can mean, even if it is worth fighting Unstoppabale Ultumate Monsters for your life! That's what Ethan has to do to save Ms. Meyer, Kevin, Sam, Lily and Emily. It ha`s a little more atventure than the first but, if you want to know the title, your going to have to check out the book! And also, you can get secrets and codes in each book. I can tell you 1 hint. All Native langue are clues. If you have the first handbook, it has the Native code so you can learn the langue! So, if I were you, I would get the handbook beacause, there are sweepsteaks to win fabulous Ultumate Monster prizes. Thats all and HAVE FUN!


The time has come!The Ultumate Monsters Club is up on VERY short notice! If you sign up now, you get three weeks free! That's three magizines for FREE! In the mag, you can catch up on Ethan and Kevin's journey to unlock the secrets of the Ultumate Monsters. In each issue, there's all the big news, not-avalible anywhere else collector's info, and you get a card from the Hidden Secrets exclusive series! If you order all this stuff, you get the first ever Ultumate Monsters collectors guide and offical handbook before they come out anywhere else! There's only one store where you can get these things: at the all new Awsome Kid Trading Card Shop! There will be more stores coming soon in April,2010, but not right at the moment. You see, I'm the only person in the buissness, so I need more workers. Any way, to get the Ultumate Monsters X-treme package, just comment and write your address and e-mail address under this message. It's that easy! I hope you join and good luck on YOUR journey to uncover secrets and OH! In the mag, you will have to do things like get passwords and send them to this e-mail address till further HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!

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