Friday, May 7, 2010

Ultumate Monsters Ultumate Info #3!

Hey. This post will tell you all about the new game: Ultumate Monsters Treasure Hunters! There are 18 characters in all. Some everyone knows like, Thunder Ninja and Jujuy. But, some are not even real game cards like, Tableron, T.V.ron and Metal Dragon. But, they will be out as game cards in June. Now, I'll tell you about the game. It is a dice rolling game where you roll 2 dice and try to get the higher number than the other player(s). There are 6 "sites" where you try to reach the treasure before all the other player(s). Each time you win, you move up a site. So, there are copies of the game, then there is the big daddy long jons. It is the biggest of all. I may place a picture or two on my blog so, come back.
Bugmania :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hey Ultumate Monsters Fans!

Hey! Everyone out there! If you like Ultumate Monsters, you're in luck! Ultumate Monsters Treasure Hunters comes out May 28! If you get The ultumate Monsters Mag, the May issue will come with a rarity chart for all 18 figures! Oh! SOMEONE PLEASE GET THE ULTUMATE MONSTERS MAG! NO ONE HAS IT! THE FIRST PERSON TO GET IT GETS A FREE FIGURE. I will put up all the figures on my blog, so come back! BYE!
Bugmania :)

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